Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Album Of The Day! Doll By Doll-Gypsy Blood (1979)

Doll by Doll were a fabulous group from Scotland, who emerged from the UK post-punk scene. Their 1979 debut album "Remember" drew critical raves in their native UK. Even better was the group's second album "Gypsy Blood" (Automatic 1979.) This was a world class set, that featured the group's incredible lead singer Jackie Leven (truly one of rock music's greatest ever singers.) The material was also stellar, being a mixture of eerie ballads, and slightly psychedelic pop songs. Most definitely in the Teardrop Explodes/Scott Walker area. Key tracks include: Highland Rain, The Human Face, Hell Games, Forbidden Worlds and Stripshow. The vinyl LP copy was quite scarce, but it has recently seen a CD release, so you have no excuses. Fans of John Cale, The Triffids, Nick Cave and the Tindersticks will eat Gypsy Blood for dinner. Rating 10/10

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